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+温馨提示:该商品下单后不支持取消订单,请您在购买前确认商品信息无误。商品如有缺货情况,订单会自动取消退款。预计收货时间为2至3周。 Introducing the amiri Kids Leather Skel Top Low Trainers in Black for both boys and girls. Unveil a blend of luxury and durability for AW2024 with these elegant trainers.
• Premium Leather: Crafted from the finest leather, ensuring longevity and upscale aesthetics.
• Versatile Black: Seamlessly matches with all styles, perfect for any outfit.
• Supportive Design: Engineered to provide optimal support and comfort for growing feet.
Elevate your child’s wardrobe with these exquisite trainers from amiri. Ideal for fashionable endeavors or daily wear. Shop today!
• Premium Leather: Crafted from the finest leather, ensuring longevity and upscale aesthetics.
• Versatile Black: Seamlessly matches with all styles, perfect for any outfit.
• Supportive Design: Engineered to provide optimal support and comfort for growing feet.
Elevate your child’s wardrobe with these exquisite trainers from amiri. Ideal for fashionable endeavors or daily wear. Shop today!